HID windows to mac xbos 360 wireless controller
I use a lot of wireless joysticks, usually older logitech ones that are great and automatically pick up if they drop out. I have had to find a replacement and am using xbox 360 controllers. On a mac I get solid performance and if the connection drops you can press the connect button and be back in business.
I have had to switch and use this on a pc laptop. If the connection drops I have to restart Isadora to connect again, even though I get a connected status on the driver. Also when I move the patch from mac to pc, the same HID controller gives different names, I have to do the stream setup again every time- the combination of these two behaviours is driving me nuts. Does anyone own Isadora for windows and an xbox 360 controller- if you could save a blank patch with the buttons captured and numbered in stream setup.... Mark could you generate generic names for the HID devices so that mac to windows transfer works?I have the same behavioural problem when I use the OIS library for connecting to gamepad controllers with openframeworks (the disconnecting anyway), I find it strange that I get the problem on PC but not mac, does Isadora use different libraries to access the hid devices on mac vs pc?CheersFred