Flash when trying to Crossfade
Hello, I'm hoping someone can help solve what I think is a simple question. We are doing a show that has just simple picture images that crossfade from one cue to the next. The problem is that when trying to set up a longer crossfade time between the cues we will get a quick "flash" that seems like the residual of the previous image. I'm using the picture player with the jump++ with values placed in the fade out and fade in for each cue. If I don't have the fade out/fade in times matching I get a flash. If I increase the time on either to greater than 3 I get a flash. We also get that slump in brightness as the images fade from one to the other. I am perplexed. We would like to have slow fades on the cues but I'm not sure how to make that happen. I love the program but I'm still a novice so any help would be great. Thanks Joe
Don't use different scenes. Simple Picture Player crossfades can be achieved best with Envelopes. Try fading one Projector intensity up and another down at the same time, or use a Video Mixer actor. Jumping from scene to scene often results in glitches.
I hope this helps, let me know if you need more details,John -
There shouldn't be a problem when crossfading through scenes. Can you give us more informations? What is the picture format you are using? What resolution do they have? Mac or PC? What OS version? What Isadora version? If you choose different fade out and fade in times it's actually normal that you get that slump brightness from one scene to the other. This does not happen when you have the same fade in and fade out times.
Best Michel
Thanks for comments but I solved the problem quickly after posting. Instead of using the Jump+ actor which has the fade in/fade out times I just used the simple Jump actor with just the fade out time. This allowed me to control the slow or quick fade outs that we needed (we're doing the play Grey Gardens and projecting onto the set). To solve the flashing I changed the blend to 'transparent' instead of just the 'additive'. This not only solved the flashing problem but it helped get rid of the brightness slump that we were experiencing when transitioning from scene to scene. Visually it looks great. In reply to the first post, I like using the scene to scene mode because we use our projections in conjunction with our stage lighting and the lighting operator does both during the play, so it's easier for us to build scenes and create playbacks that function similar to a light cue. Then the operator just pushes the space bar like the 'Go' button on a light board. I read up on the Envelope Generator and that was where my problem solving seemed to be headed. I will play around with that in the future when our next play will use images and video simultaneously. Love the program and thanks for the posts.