Examples of work
Hi everyone, I am teaching a course that will feature Isadora, but in general is about video and technology in performance. I wanted to hit up the Izzy community for some examples of work with nice documentation. I am looking for stuff with mapping, blending, interactivity, less for just video playback. It would be great to get some replies.
Hi @Fred : here something I did with Isadora as main software. Others used: NI-Mate, eMotion, Osculator (Tuio messages from the floor laser tracking system), Kinect 1, 4 HD projectors, floor projection, 4 HD projectors wall projection, 1 projector side projection, all from one MacBook Pro plus Matrox triple Head. There was a scaler for the 2x4 HD Projector (so I used their internal edge blend). I used the mapper for shapes, Midi controller for fades and triggers. DMX King for some Par lights. A second MacBook Pro was synced for one screen for the dancer (hidden from public to synchronize the choreography)
Great, really nice, thanks.
I have quite a few videos of various things on my youtube:
Hi, here you have a piece of my work. I used Isadora as a main soft as well. It's a kind of compilation of some scenes from the show.
@grzegorz holy cow, that's amazing. Fantastic work!
How did you track the dancers?
@crystalhorizon hello, thank you very much for your kind words.
I used cheap CCTV camera, IR lights and eye++, that's it :)
@grzegorz great. You had the tracking camera from above facing downwards? And the IR lights from the side?
@crystalhorizon hi,camera was above facing downwards and IR lights aswell. It may sounds funny, but the secret was a good cloth - knitwear, not fabric; non-reflective. I was trying a lot of types and only one gave me the effect I wanted to achieve. BTW, also cat's fur was great ;) and gaffa tape.
All of the Troika Ranch pieces (created by yours truly and Dawn Stoppiello) are online at http://troikaranch.org In addition to the excerpts. you can also find full length videos of every piece.
Not all feature video, but 16 [R]evolutions and perhaps Future of Memory are worth showing to the students.
Best Wishes,
Mark -
Heya, if you're interested here's a couple of show's I've created.
I've been using QC and Isadora,
I'm still a student myself, so go easy on me!!!
All best
Hi, a couple of Isadora centred projects documented on vimeo. One is of a gesture interface (at the time) in development. The other is a black box dance installation where audience and performer interact. Cheers Bonemap
@grimvisions I know that this was posted quite a while back but I really like your work specifications a shadow of grace. I’m wondering what your flow was in terms of cameras, actors etc. Hope you get this and hope you finished university! Your work is awesome
Hi, Use it for mostly interactive games. All I'm doing live is pushing the space bar to fly in the next pair on pictures. I made this part a manual trigger so I can pause it if ellen wants to talk about something.
Most everything is automated in the software.
Oops, thought this was a new topic.
Here is an example of a work I did for the Guthrie Theatre in Minneapolis, MN for a production of Sunday in the Park with George. It was an interactive installation for 3 projectors (90'x30'); 8-channel MIDI and Sound creations, and DMX lights all triggered by 4-video input cameras tracking location and motion. Everything written using Isadora:
This is a mapping project that we did a few years ago in Orlando. Permanent installation. 4 projectors in a 2x2 grid, shooting from a hotel room (beamers are built into a corner sofa
) and an office space. All the mapping is in izzy map so we can just feed it unwarped 4k content. Izzy sends MSC commands to a controller to trigger moving lights and colors in sync with video. Turns on and off on its own every night and randomly selects from 30 different pieces of content.