User actor with variable number of inputs.
I have a little user actor that I made from a suggestion that Mark gave me. Essentially it lets you use the control panel to jump between scenes. I made it a user actor so that I could have multiple buttons on the control panel running into it instead of using a radio button or similar. I'll attach a copy of the .iua but essentially there are a bunch of user inputs that all go to the same place inside the actor, I would like to be able to vary the number of inputs depending on how many I need for a particular show. Something like the way you can change the number of items on a data array actor. Can anyone think of a way to do this that doesn't require writing a new actor with the SDK? I don't mind diving into that, since I meant to anyway, I just know that there's plenty of stuff in isadora I haven't found yet so it might be possible without writing a new actor.
c0ff55-scene-jumper.iua -
Not possible without the SDK.