Arduino multi. bouton
J'aimerais utiliser un Arduino pour changer mes scenes sur Isadora, mais j'ai un soucis dans la communication entre Arduino et Isadora, les premières valeur des boutons fonctionne mais après 5, 6 cela ne va plus!
int analogPin1 = A0; int analogPin2 = A1; int analogPin3 = A2; int analogPin4 = A3; int analogPin5 = A4; int analogPin6 = A5; int analogPin7 = A6; int analogPin8 = A7; int ldrVal = 0; int threshold = 800; void setup() { Serial.begin(9600); pinMode(2, INPUT); pinMode(3, INPUT); pinMode(4, INPUT); pinMode(5, INPUT); pinMode(6, INPUT); pinMode(7, INPUT); pinMode(8, INPUT); pinMode(9, INPUT); pinMode(10, INPUT); pinMode(11, INPUT); pinMode(12, INPUT); pinMode(13, INPUT); } void loop() { //Analog 0 (Num 4) ldrVal = analogRead(analogPin1); if ( ldrVal < threshold ) { Serial.println ("4"); delay(100); } //Analog 1 (Num 7) ldrVal = analogRead(analogPin2); if ( ldrVal < threshold ) { Serial.println ("7"); delay(100); } //Analog 2 (Num *) ldrVal = analogRead(analogPin3); if ( ldrVal < threshold ) { Serial.println ("10"); delay(100); } //Analog 3 (Num 5) ldrVal = analogRead(analogPin4); if ( ldrVal < threshold ) { Serial.println ("5"); delay(100); } //Analog 4 (Num 2) ldrVal = analogRead(analogPin5); if ( ldrVal < threshold ) { Serial.println ("2"); delay(100); } //Analog 5 (Num 0) ldrVal = analogRead(analogPin6); if ( ldrVal < threshold ) { Serial.println ("11"); delay(100); } //Analog 6 (Num 8) ldrVal = analogRead(analogPin7); if ( ldrVal < threshold ) { Serial.println ("8"); delay(100); } //Analog 7 (Num #) ldrVal = analogRead(analogPin8); if ( ldrVal < threshold ) { Serial.println ("12"); delay(100); }
//Digital 2 (Telephone)
int buttonState2 = digitalRead(2);
if (buttonState2 == LOW)
Serial.println ("20");
//Digital 3 (Touche A)
int buttonState3 = digitalRead(3);if (buttonState3 == LOW)
Serial.println ("18");
//Digital 4 (Touche Service)
int buttonState4 = digitalRead(4);if (buttonState4 == LOW)
Serial.println ("16");
//Digital 5 (Touche B)
int buttonState5 = digitalRead(5);if (buttonState5 == LOW)
Serial.println ("19");
//Digital 6 (Touche Belgacom)
int buttonState6 = digitalRead(6);if (buttonState6 == LOW)
Serial.println ("15");
//Digital 7 (Touche Proton)
int buttonState7 = digitalRead(7);if (buttonState7 == LOW)
Serial.println ("17");
//Digital 8 (Home)
int buttonState8 = digitalRead(8);if (buttonState8 == LOW)
Serial.println ("13");
//Digital 9 (Num 9)
int buttonState9 = digitalRead(9);if (buttonState9 == LOW)
Serial.println ("9");
//Digital 10 (Num 1)
int buttonState10 = digitalRead(10);if (buttonState10 == LOW)
Serial.println ("1");
//Digital 11 (Num 6)
int buttonState11 = digitalRead(11);if (buttonState11 == LOW)
Serial.println ("6");
//Digital 12 (Num 3)
int buttonState12 = digitalRead(12);if (buttonState12 == LOW)
Serial.println ("3");
//Digital 13 (Touche STOP)
int buttonState13 = digitalRead(13);if (buttonState13 == LOW)
Serial.println ("14");
}Isadora "Serial In Watcher - Binary"
value : integer = 4 digits
Voila si quelque peut m'aider.
Is it not working after 5,6 messages, or are buttons 5,6 and higher not working?
If you open the monitor window, is there serial data coming in?
@djoul123 said:
J'aimerais utiliser un Arduino pour changer mes scenes sur Isadora, mais j'ai un soucis dans la communication entre Arduino et Isadora, les premières valeur des boutons fonctionne mais après 5, 6 cela ne va plus!
Voila si quelque peut m'aider.
Merci.Rough translation for my own benefit (and anyone else's):
I would like to use an Arduino to change my scenes on Isadora, but I have a problem in the communication between Arduino and Isadora, the first value of the buttons works but after 5, 6 it does not go anymore!
Voila if any can help me.
Thank you.
Hey @djoul123 ,
c'est mieux de poster en anglais sur le forum pour avoir plus de réponses et que ce soit plus facile pour tout le monde de comprendre ;)
You're reassigning your ldrVal integer each time, maybe that could cause a problem, it would be better to create an array of integer to handle that.
I haven't be using arduino for some time, so beware of syntax errors from my side :)
int ldrVal[8]; int buttonState[11]; // it was working how you did, but easier like that and you should declare everything all your variable at the beginning void loop(){ for(int i = 0; i < 12; i++){ if( ldrVal[i]> threshold){ Serial.println(String(i)); //since you seem to want to send strings... delay(100); }
You can do the same with buttonState to make the code easier to read
Do you use any pull up/down resistors for buttons, how are they wired? Which Arduino board are you using?
what specific arduino board do you use ? analog pins could be used as digital inputs, in your sketch you use 20 inputs.
in isadora you use a filter inside of your serial in watcher // the 4 byte length message need to have a "1" to start with,
i think it is better to use a text based serial in watcher since you send a carriage return with each println already.
attached you will find an izzy file
best clemens
in your arduino code you cycle through your 20 pin readings always with a 0,1 s delay
that means you have to wait at least 2 seconds till the program will be again asking for the status of the button you just pushed.
I would recommend that you have a look how a keyboard matrix is setup, there should be plenty of infos on the arduino forum. That way you have a snappy arduino code to interact with isadora.
@m_theater How can I program a text?
I use resistors on the buttons, and I use a card arduino uno!