[SOLVED, Issue within Mac OS, not Isadora] - Color picker bug?
This is maybe a bug. It is a very minor one. But it is good to fix it.
When I use color picker, it is always darker than what I picked it from.
This is for example. Please see the screenshot below.
I used color picker for (15,16) 2d slider. I want to have the same color as (9,10) 2d slider. However, it became darker color than what I picked.
Or does it happen only to me???All my best,
The bottom slider is your friend for this one. On windows you can add it to a palette so you know sure that every single time you have the same colour. Dont know about the mac version
But that seems like a bug. Please fill in a bug report so the Isadora staff can confirm
This is a response from @mark about it when beta testing v2.6
@bonemap said:
Color picker pipette tool does not produce the same colour that it selects.
We've seen this too. Do a search on google for the three words Eyedropper Wrong Color and the millions of results you'll see are the reason I earlier told Michel (in our private team thread) I wasn't going to try to fix this. (Sigh.) But, given your feedback, I'll take a harder look at this.
On Mac one can copy paste the Hex value from color picker to color picker (or keep the hex code pasted in a comment actor for easy access).