Multiple OSC devices - Touch OSC and Nomad
Hi All
As the title suggests, I am having trouble when trying to deal with multiple OSC devices on the same network. To be more specific -
I have recently acquired the ETC Nomad educational gadget and dongle. I am running Izzy 2.6.1 on my MacBook, as well as ETC Nomad (As an Element Desk). The Nomad will not allow the use of localhost, so I am having to address via IP , even though it's all on the same machine.
What I really want to do now is use TouchOSC from my android device, send accelerometer data to Isadora, and then on from there to Nomad to control my moving heads via DMX. However, it seems that the network (or port) is getting gummed up somewhere. I can only get either TouchOSC or Nomad communication to communicate, never both at the same time.
Am I missing something here? Have any of you wonderful people ever been in this situation?
Are you running a Windows or Mac OS machine ?
Hi there,
So you should do the following :- TouchOSC to Isadora (See the Network IP of Isadora in the preference window and set the port to the port in your settings. Default is 1234) (Incoming data)
- Check your Stream Setup (Tick the Box to discover incoming OSC data)
- Give them a number.
- Ok ! We are ready now for our input to come in :)
- Next step is using a OSC Transmit to the ETC Nomad software (Use Tab 99 to open up your Diagnostic panel in the ETC Nomad software) It should list the IP adress that you need to use
- Open your Show Settings (Bottom drawer > Setup > Show Settings)
- Set your OSC port that you wish to use
- Send your data :) (See https://community.troikatronix... for more information regarding ETC communication with Isadora)
Sorry, forgot to come back to check replies! I'm running MacOS High Sierra on a 2015 MacBook Pro