[It Works] Wii Remote via OSCulator not streaming in 3.0?
I'm working with a Nintendo Motion Plus Wii Controller. Everything seems to working fine in OSCulator but I am not able to get the stream into IZZY. Port is 1234 on both OSCulator and IZZY. I also tried the same remote on a student of mine's machine. He is still running IZZY 2 and we were able to get it to work there. Wondering if there is any experience with problems with OSCulator/Wii and 3.0 Izzy? Or is it perhaps the newer version of OSCulator (3.3) that is not compatible for some reason?
@montana said:
I'm working with a Nintendo Motion Plus Wii Controller. Everything seems to working fine in OSCulator but I am not able to get the stream into IZZY. Port is 1234 on both OSCulator and IZZY. I also tried the same remote on a student of mine's machine. He is still running IZZY 2 and we were able to get it to work there. Wondering if there is any experience with problems with OSCulator/Wii and 3.0 Izzy? Or is it perhaps the newer version of OSCulator (3.3) that is not compatible for some reason?
Just got mine up and running in 3 minutes flat with no issues.
Try my file
Though I suppose I am running OSCulator 2.13.2
For other folks who find this thread in the future:
1) Make sure to pair your WiiMote in OSCulator (then randomly press buttons and make sure you're getting data in OSCulator).
2) Go to Isadora, to Stream Setup, check the box for "Auto-Detect Inputs" then go wild on the WiiMote again. (You'll need to press each button once to get it to show up in Stream Setup.)
@montana said:
Or is it perhaps the newer version of OSCulator (3.3) that is not compatible for some reason?
It seems unlikely -- the OSC implementation in Isadora 3 has been heavily tested and should work as with anything that sends out valid OSC. Please try @Woland 's test file above in Osculator 3.3 and see if that helps. If not, please let us know and we will acquire Osculator 3.3 and try it ourselves to be sure it's OK with Isadora 3.
Best Wishes,