[ANSWERED] Midi panning
I'm wondering if somebody can help me ?
I'm using an old Soundbeam2 system with sensors to trigger midi to send it to Isadora, then forward that midi back out wirelessly to an iPad running some sofware synths.
So far I've managed to get that all working well ,note on, off and velocity all ok , but I've come to a bit of a roadblock when it comes to seeing any panning data via midi in izzy.
Has anyone got any ideas on how I can watch that data ?
thanks noel
What kind of format does panning data have ? I can't find any information regarding the topic, I know about the term panning in the audio scene, but this isn't an dedicated MIDI category right ?
You can use the MIDI Control Watcher and have it look for control #10 data. I have used this in the past to connect stereo pan to move in real time to camera in watchers, etc.
@kdobbe Excellent, I was just about to post midi control change messages. thanks
@kdobbe I can only seem to get midi show control is this the same actor ?
@kdobbe sorry stupid question, found it "control watcher" thanks