[ANSWERED] Is it possible to set an initialize value without typing it in?
in order to speed up my setup in every new venue I need to set several initialize values in the published offsets of the projector, as well as in several envelope generators. AS many values are repeated, it would save me lots of time and possible errors if I could somehow send the values to the corresponding "initialize" fields instead of having to type them in every time.
Now I'm sending the values from a 2D slider to each of the corresponding envelope generators and to the published offsets from the projector, but I can't find a way to set the values to the initialize property.
So that's my question: Is there a way to do that?
Thank you -
@gaspar said:
set several initialize values in the published offsets of the projector, as well as in several envelope generators.
This may be accommodated using ‘Enter Scene Value’ actors, I would have thought. There is a knowledge base article that discusses the benefit of using ‘initialise’ for media files etc. But for Envelope Generators and published mapping points there should be no penalty for using the ‘Enter Scene Value’ and accessing the flexibility of a interactive input.
Best wishes
...and you can combine the Enter Scene Value actors with a system of Broadcaster/Listener actors or Global Value actors to speed things up even more...
Thank you both for your suggestions. They helped me solved my problem.
Strange enough, I ended up using "value changed" actors, since they behave like the "enter scene value" but also trigger an output every time you change the input from within the scene (which I needed), unlike the "enter scene value" that only sends an output when entering the scene.