[Answered] Saving GLSL Actors
I've been playing with the actors that @Mark made in this thread: https://community.troikatronix.com/topic/6129/translate-shader-from-isf-to-glsl/5
I'm sure I must be missing something simple, but how do you save them outside of a project? Of course I can save the project and the Shader Actors with it, but can I not save them elsewhere so as to access them like a User Actor?
Thank you,
Well they are actually nothing else than a plain text file with the ending .glslf
Best Michel
If you want to use them as an user-actor just grab an user actor with a video input / video output and put your GLSL block inside that > save user actor > profit ?
There is also this thread discussion that explores some of the considerations of saving glsl code in Isadora.
best wishesRussell