[ANSWERED] License Activation
Problems with activate licence, I have 3 month with licence monthly, all perfect, until 4 day ago. ISADORA COULD NOT ACTIVATE IN THIS COMPUTER, ERROR 5013 NO REMAINING ACTIAVTION.
Thanks for help.
Oscar Medina from Chile
For these kind of questions please submit a new ticket and choose the type "Sales/License".
https://support.troikatronix.c...Best Michel
I found the problem and sorted it. You should be all set.I thought it was an issue with the date but that turned out not to be the case. The issue is that, as stated on the store, "for each Buy-to-Own or Subscription license you purchase you can activate Isadora on up to two online or offline computers, though you may only use the license on one of those two computers at a time. ... In all cases, you may deactivate a license on one computer in order to activate it on a different machine."
I can tell by inspecting your license's installation history in our database that you have already activated your license on two computers. If you want to put the license on another computer, you'll need to physically access one of the two computers you've got the license active on and then deactivate your license on one of them so that you can activate the license on a new computer, or (if you don't have access to the two other machines at the moment), use the Online License Portal to remotely deactivate your license on one of the two computers already using the license.
Best wishes,