[ANSWERED] image 3d
hello, silly question, how to import a 3d image? Thanks in advance. Thierry
At the present time Isadora accepts the .3DS file format. 3Ds files can be used with the 3D Player and 3D Model Particles actors. The 3D Models can be extended by using video/image ‘textures’ that are assigned to the surface of the 3D model inside Isadora. Your 3D model file will need to have an image texture file already assigned in 3D Modelling software before you try to use it in Isadora.
I believe the 3D workflow in Isadora is about to be updated in a future version release... so at that time there my be further features supported.
Best wishes
Merci pour ta réponse rapide , je vais étudier la chose .
There's also a recording of a live teaching session on the topic of using 3D in Isadora by Isadora's creator @mark Coniglio.
Here's the youtube link to the recording: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZYdCidE_rlQ
Here's the forum thread from the session: https://community.troikatronix.com/topic/6519/guru-session-5-using-3d-in-isadora-april-1st-2020-6pm-cet