ZoomOSC Beta Testers and Update on StreamWeaver
Hi everyone! First, thank you so much for the great response to our early information on ZoomOSC and StreamWeaver. If you filled out an application to join the StreamWeaver Beta Program, you will receive an email this weekend with more information on how we want to go about testing with Isadora.
On a separate note, I'm happy to announce that we are working on a native implementation of ZoomOSC on MacOS, and we are now looking for beta testers to check out pre-release versions both of our Windows and MacOS clients. To request to join the ZoomOSC Beta Program, please fill out this form. Beta testers will be contacted on a rolling basis and added to a private slack where we will distribute the builds. We're going to be adding quite a bit of functionality to the software, so your participation is appreciated! There have been so many different deployments of ZoomOSC this summer, particularly with Isadora, so we want to make sure we are fully compatible with the workflows you all are developing.
Happy to take any questions!
@liminal_andy the fill out form doesn't let put Mac on "operating system" only numbers says...is it right?
@RIL good catch! Thank you, should be fixed now.
@liminal_andy Hi great initiative. Do you need paid Zoom? I am using Cisco and Google Meet right now. I am very interested in a more secure Zoom environment before I pay money. Looking forward to seeing what you create. Best wishes, VIXmedia (Victoria Gibson)
@vixmedia Not at all! ZoomOSC extends the vanilla zoom client, so you just log in using your official Zoom account and the software will inherit whatever privileges you have in your existing Zoom account. Now, depending on the type of work you are doing, having a paid account might give you helpful features like webinars or multi-person meetings over 40 minutes in length, but we don't impose any requirements on account level ourselves.