[LOGGED] max of 999 control ID's
kia ora fellow izzyites,
i now have just over 950 control ID's in my VJ patch i've been developing and growing over the past 5 years
i wondered what would happen when i added control ID # 1000, so i tried and get the message "Control ID 100 is already in use by another control"
am assuming isadora only accepts a max of 999 control ID's and when i tried to assign # 1000 it incorrectly assigned it # 100
it's the same if i try to add and assign a new controller ID 2000, it says 200 is already in use
maybe a feature request not a bug?
would be great to be able to assign more than 999 control ID's, otherwise i'll have to limit my planned expansion or figure out a work-around
cheers, Mr J
This is an issue I ran in already a decade ago, and funnily some days ago I again, wanted to post this feature request here. The issue adds as I just recognised, that control IDs are constantly connected even over separated control panels. Means, if you have background activated scenes, controls with the same ID still effect the values in them, even if the control panel is a different one.
Even if there are not 999 controls used, I like to work with ranges per control group to gain more overview. I often have multiple controls which have the same function on 'cloned' groups of actors. Eg. the first group gets the range between 10 and 20, even if it only has 5 or 6 controls. Which helps keep the IDs nicely sorted, but quickly fills the 999 limmit.
There allready was a request to change the whole system:
This would be an even better solution, but probably much more complex to implement.
@mr_j said:
feature request not a bug
Yes, the max is currently 999, so feature request, not bug (though you did find a bug, just not the one you think you found). We're hoping to include a change soon that will increase this. (It's my personal #1 feature request at the moment.)
@mr_j said:
am assuming isadora only accepts a max of 999 control ID's and when i tried to assign # 1000 it incorrectly assigned it # 100
it's the same if i try to add and assign a new controller ID 2000, it says 200 is already in use
This is not incorrectly assigning anything, this is the expected behavior. Since the max is 999, only 3-digit numbers are valid inputs. What's happening is that you're typing more than three digits and it only accepts the first three (which is the expected behavior). The bug, however, is that you're even able to type "1000" into that field; it should limit you to just three digits so that if you try to type "1000" it stops you at "100". I will log this.
If you try to click on an input or output of an actor and open the Property Inspector, then try to type a number with more than 3 digits into the "Ctl ID Link" field, you'll see it correctly limits you to just 3 digits. Below is what happens when I try to type "9999" into that field:
@dillthekraut said:
There allready was a request to change the whole system: https://community.troikatronix... would be an even better solution, but probably much more complex to implement.
This is what I'm hoping we'll be able to implement soon. It would change the limit on Control IDs from 999 to infinity (and would make it much easier to share/combine files since you'd be able to create completely unique Controls IDs that never conflict with any other file.)
Hi, was wondering if implementing an infinite number control id's is likely to be released within the next 6 months, a year or maybe later?
Thanks, Mr J
@mr_j A new approach to Contorl ID's is on the agenda, but I can't share any release schedule/plans at this time.
fair enough, thanks for replying
Sorry I wrote a response similar to Ryan's the other day but apparently got distracted before I pressed "Submit" (the computer was shut down and I lost that response). Anyway, for what it's worth, this is basically my number 1 feature request and has been since before I worked for TroikaTronix
(Link). It has to come after a big rework for many/all of the addressing systems in order for us to maximize this feature's usefulness, but once we've completed this feature I'm going to be so happy.
Best wishes,
Ciao lovely Izzy support community, was wondering if we're any closer to being able to have more than 999 control ID's? This is now my (and @Woland) #1 feature request, since i hit this limit over a year ago and am having to remove some existing capabilities from my mega patch to incorporate new ones.
Or maybe there's a quick fix or workaround someone can recommend?
Thanks in advance, Mr J
Right now our focus is on finishing IzzyCast. The change to the addressing system isn't coming as a whole right now because it's a big task that will require an overhaul and extensive testing in many areas, but what is coming is the ability to show and hide Controls programmatically. If used cleverly with Gates, Selectors, and Routers you can create multiple "pages" or "tabs" of controls (sort of like TouchOSC). If you build logic to have Gates stop data from flowing to actors whose Controls are hidden, you can theoretically use any Control ID any number of times in your patch (e.g. you could use the Control IDs "100-110" 20 times each in your patch, but if your logic only allows data through the Gates associated with the visible Controls, it doesn't cause any problems). Send in a support ticket using the link in my signature if you'd like the beta build in order to try out this new feature.
The only workaround I can think of right now is to make controls "routable", e.g. have a Popup Menu control that lets you choose which of X different functions changing the Slider control below it will affect.
Here's an example file where this method let me use only 12 Control IDs for 24 parameters: >>>FILE DOWNLOAD<<<
The amount of Control IDs this method saves you increases the more actors to which you are routing data. For example, the routing I set up for the "bypass" inputs on my 7 video actors in that example file only uses 2 Controls IDs (one to select which actor's bypass, and one to turn that bypass on or off) instead of 7 (one for each actor's bypass). This saved me 5 Control IDS working with 7 actors, but if I scaled this up to 60 video actors, I'd still only need to use 2 Control IDs total, (which would save me 58 Control IDs!).