[LOGGED] OSC Protocol - Multiple input ports inside Isadora.
Hi all, would it be possible to add multiple OSC ports into Isadora at some point? I have wanted this a number of times now to route control in multiple ways.
Thanks for all you all do.
I already know. tlaloc wants to, for example, listen for OSC coming from one program using one port, and another program using a different port.
I have logged this already.
@juriaan For the sake of leaving a concrete example:
Imagine I have two pieces of software or hardware, maybe two x32 sound boards, and I want to have bidirectional control of each (maybe if I move a fader on one board, it moves the corresponding fader on the other). Both boards, being identical, obviously use the same OSC API (same OSC addresses, same payloads). If we point both boards at Isadora port 1234, Isadora's channel system has no way of telling us which packet came from which board. It makes it impossible to build this solution unless an intermediary piece of software, or multiple Isadora files on different IPs, are used.
A simple OSC Direct Receive actor would go a long way. I've spoken with Mark before about how I would imagine it working, including OSC Wildcard syntax, where the actor could lean into the tree syntax of OSC and be given partial or complete address filters to receive info. But even just starting with direct receive on a given port would be very helpful.