Value delay line stuck at maximum of four
Isadora Version: prerelease_version 1.3.1fo3 Operating System: MaxOSX 10.8.x OS Mode: 64 Processor: Intel i7 Quicktime Version: QT 7.7 RAM: 8 Pixel Format: RGB Severity: Doesn't Operate As Expected Frequency: Always Isadora on Mac the value delay line only gives possibilities to import values between 0 and 4.
In for Windows you can fill in MIN to MAX.Why?thanks!Marloeke -
Dear Marloeke,
It's not that way on my machine.Click on the word 'value' in the Value Delay Line actor -- what does it say in the inspector? Minimum and Maximum (at the top) should be MIN and MAX. The default settings for Scale Min and Scale Max are be MIN and MAX.Do the same for the the word 'delay' in the Value Delay Line actor. Minimum and Maximum (at the top) should be 1 and 256\. The default settings for Scale Min and Scale Max are be 1 and 256.Are you're settings different than these? If so, you may need to change them back.Best Wishes,Mark