ZoomOSC Breakout Room Control File
Over the weekend I created a semi-functional prototype of an Isadora file meant to be used with ZoomOSC. The goal was to get the list of participants in a Zoom call, alphabetize it, then distribute the participants to Breakout Rooms evenly. The steps it performs are:
- Take in the list of participants in a Zoom call using ZoomOSC
- Serialize that list as a line-break-separated list using JavaScript
- Alphabetize that serialized list using JavaScript
- Give you two options for deciding how many breakout rooms to make
- Lets you define the number of Breakout Rooms you want, then distributes the list of participants evenly across them
- Lets you define a target number of participants per Breakout Room, then automatically work out how many Breakout Rooms are needed
- Create the required number of Breakout Rooms
- Allow you to configure the settings of the Breakout Rooms using a Control Panel
- Assign the participants to Breakout Rooms based on which method was chosen in step 4
- Open the Breakout Rooms
- Allow you to send Chat to all Breakout Rooms via a Control Panel
- Allow you to close the Breakout Rooms via a Control Panel
- Allow you to delete the Breakout Rooms via a Control Panel
The reason it's a semi-functional prototype is that I don't know any JavaScript, so for steps 2 and 3 I just wrapped JavaScript Actors inside User Actors with labeled inputs and outputs and descriptions of how they should function. If anyone wants to take the file, put in the JavaScript, and send it back here, I'd be very happy, but the actual reason I'm posting this is that I believe even just the skeleton of what I created could be useful to people, even with the JavaScript missing.
Here's the file: DOWNLOAD
Anyone is welcome to adjust it and use it, but if you use it for a paid gig I'd ask that you please make a small donation to: https://www.comebackalive.in.ua/
Best wishes,
Looking at the project, I suspect that the 2 JS actors should become one. It will be easier to build the array of names and sort them in one go, then build the output string.
Is there any ZoomOSC demo config for testing? It would be easiest with actual data coming in. -
@dusx said:
Is there any ZoomOSC demo config for testing?
The file itself is already configured to work with ZoomOSC (there's also a comment in the setup section with instructions on how to setup ZoomOSC's settings to talk to Isadora). You'd need a license though in order to get the /zoom/list to return a list to you over OSC on the address /zoomosc/user/list.
@dusx said:
It would be easiest with actual data coming in.
You'd need to hop into a call with tons of users (or bots) to get usable data to come in.