Isadora doesn't render some fonts correctly
I've been having some issues with Isadora not correctly rendering some typefaces / fonts.
For example, I have the font 'Kopius Book' installed on my computer via Adobe Creative Cloud (and maybe this is the problem)
I can select it from the list of fonts available to Isadora, though it seems to be at the very bottom (see pic). Does Isadora read fonts in the order in which they were installed on the computer?
But it doesn't render correctly. Here's what Isadora outputs (Stage 1), compared with the Font output as a still from Premiere (where it does render correctly)(Stage 2). Thoughts?
I'd love to get this addressed as I'm using Isadora more and more to output live captions for shows, etc. I wanted to use this font for live captioning a silent movie...
Thanks in anticipation!
Mark (in wet, windy London town)
This looks to me like Isadora had a problem reading the Font and has subbed in a default font. Maybe try uninstalling the font and re-installing it.
I don't have this font so I can't test it specifically, but I have hundreds of fonts and haven't had problems.