NDI 5 Watcher not showing image
Hi all!
Working on a show where the designer would like to NDI into Isadora for mapping and masking in AE and Premiere. The last show we worked on together in October of 2022, we did this, and it worked perfectly. For some reason it is now not working anymore. The show computer we're running Izzy off of is a Mac trashcan (2013), running Big Sur 11.4. Isadora is v3.2.5. The designer is working off of a MacBook Pro hardwired into the show computer, so no wi fi issues. The NDI Watcher actor can see the source - like it's listed there in the source list and you can select it - but there's just no image. The NDI video monitor (as part of the NDI tool kit) does the same thing - I can see the source and select it, but it's just a black rectangle. The same happens with my computer as well (also a MacBook Pro). We've tried rebooting everything, redownloading NDI, redownloading the NDI watcher actor, and using older versions of Aftereffects. I can also confirm that the "NDI output" checkbox in the preferences for both Premiere and AE is selected. Anyone run into this or have any advice?
I would try in stalling Isadora on the AE machine, and sending a test NDI feed from Isadora to Isadora on the second computer. That will help to eliminate some possibilities.
Try going into a network switch with both computers instead of a direct connection
We are going into a network switch (that's my bad, I didn't specify that in the OG post) - we also tried it on our personal computers and Izzy recognized it immediately (like Isadora and adobe on the same machine talking to each other).
@reservoirducks said:
The NDI video monitor (as part of the NDI tool kit) does the same thing - I can see the source and select it, but it's just a black rectangle.
If this is the case there must be some issue with your router. Maybe see if doing a factory reset and using the default DHCP settings will let things talk.
I just had a similar problem last week while trying to send NDI and OSC to and from a powerful Windows show computer that belongs to a university that has very strict network and computer security protocols. I never did figure out what setting on their computer was preventing it, but when I hooked up two non-university computers to a network switch I was able to send NDI and OSC back and forth without issue. I suspect it was a firewall problem, but nobody around had sufficient security credentials to do anything to the firewall's policies regarding Isadora on the university computer. So maybe check your firewall settings on both computers? Also, as a test, I'd hook up a third computer to your network switch and see if it can send and receive NDI to and from your original two computers. This test might help you identify which one of them is the problem.