[ANSWERED] Syphon Virtual Webcam question/request..?
Not sure if I am speaking to the team that are responsible for the Syphon Virtual Webcam, but as it is a Trokatronix product I thought I'd post this here...
1) Is it possible, when multiple Syphon output sources are available, to select a source? I can't find out how to do this...
2) Also - it would be amazing if there was an option to float the Syphon screen 'always on top' of everything. It could be a multifunctional desktop monitor for any and all of the devices that use Syphon. Might even be worth paying a bit extra for...
1) Syphon Virtual Webcam has a dropdown selector in the top left corner. here you can choose between Syphon sources.
2) When I use Virtual Webcam for online live Izzy mixing, I tend to add another external monitor and load it with my Syphon windows. I also use Vingester on this screen to shift live video around. (although I have heard that Vingester hasn't been updated recently, and that Steve Seguin is working on a replacement as part of his VDO.ninja suite)
thanks for quick response, and handy tips. I'm not able to see that drop down menu, however. Would you mind showing a screengrab? Maybe my version is out-of-date...
for the float window you can use Bettersnaptool (2.99 $)