[ANSWERED] Weird Scenes inside the alpha channel
Ive encountered a problem with QuickTime (probes) alpha files.
The image on the right from QuickTime Player as I would like to see the file.
The image on the right how it looks in the preview window of Isadora.
Ive encoded the files "after effects>media encoder" with a prores 4444 with alpha codec and the files do contain areas of graded alpha ( ie partially opaque).
Am I likely to get better results with another codec? Hap or one of the other probes 4444 codecs?
Interestingly the export window of media encoder shows a similar result but it looks fine in QuickTime Player
it is an alpha premultiplication issue I believe
As @fubbi has mentioned, it is likely a alpha pre-multiplication issue. You can quickly try switching the 'alpha mode' on the Movie Player, and see if that corrects it.
If that doesn't you can add an 'Alpha Tool' after your movie player, and try the different 'actions' it offers.If some quick trial and error doesn't do it you may need to dig deeper (link Fubbi provided is a good start)