Cue list max?
Hi there!
I am working on a rather large show (300+ video cues) and I've run into a problem. I can build up to 290 cues and then the cue stack glitches and vanishes, effectively making 290 cues the max I can make. I was worried that perhaps my file had corrupted, but upon a reboot and recreating a stack with a fresh file, the same happens. Any ideas for how I can get around this outside of changing showfiles at intermission?
2021 Macbook Pro (16")
M1 Processor
12.1 Monteray
Isadora 3.2.5
Screenshot: -
@weston said:
<p>...outside of changing showfiles at intermission? </p>
I'm sorry that I can't help you with your problem - although I'm very interested to know the answer - but the thought of changing show files at intermission made me shudder and it brought back memories of doing exactly that in the early days of "Memory Consoles" in the lighting world. In a dance show, we'd sometimes have to swap memory carts between pieces.
@weston said:
rather large show (300+ video cues)
There is currently a max width for the scenelist. It is something we plan to address, but for now, the only workaround to this issue is to minimize the horizontal width taken up by the Scenelist by using shorter names for the scenes. It really comes down to making each scene tile smaller, so that you can fit more.