Controlling ETC element with izzy
How does one set this up? am using a USB/Midi interface cable, have everything set to port 1 on element and MSC is enabled. tried using both midi send control and send midi show control actors to no avail. any ideas?
I have gotten it to work with Send MSC. It took a bit of futzing on the element to get it to work. Have you tried sending a message the other way to see if that works? Another thing that is sometimes confusing with the USB-MIDI devices is that the cable ends are labelled "to in" and "to out", which plug into the in and out respectively, as opposed to being the in and the out.
Also, try connecting to a different MIDI device that you know works to make sure the interface cable is set up right.Craig -
Craig, what parameters did you use on the send MSC?
Dear Selittle,
I apologize for taking so long to chime in on this issue.Where do you stand with this? I am afraid I know nothing about the ETC Element. But if there is a MIDI spec for it that I can read, I can try to help you.I can tell you that I'm quite confident that Isadora's MIDI sub-system is working as expected -- there haven't been problems there for years really. So I believe that if you're telling Isadora to send MIDI, it is getting sent.Have you tried hooking up any other MIDI devices that send Continuous Controller messages to see if the Element will receive them?Have you set up the MIDI Setup window under the "Communications" menu properly?If you download the current pre-release version ( you can use show the "Monitor" window in the "Windows" menu to see all MIDI messages being sent or received by Isadora. That might be a handy tool in this situation.Let me know how I can help you further.Best Wishes,Mark