[ANSWERED] How do I make the audio continue playing after the scene ends and starts another one?
How do I make the audio continue playing after the scene ends and starts another one?
as usual, Isadora offers several ways to achieve results.
one way would be to run your audio player in a background scene that remains active as you move through the main scenes.another way would be to play your audio from a DAW like Ableton, triggered from Isadora
Here's a couple example files: https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fo/zfr1hzfkk7atkv0tomn9s/h?rlkey=f316ap3zwf1xji2zr804d81f5&dl=0
There's also a written tutorial here: https://support.troikatronix.com/support/solutions/articles/13000046020-how-to-run-multiple-scenes-simultaneously-using-the-activate-scene-actor