[ANSWERED] Stand-alone Installation Control
I'm moving a piece as an installation into a gallery setting and am wondering about best methods for setting up something so that it can potentially be a one point start-up. At present I'm building it on my iMac with visuals out of two beamers thru a Datapath FX4-HDR and 2 old RCA monitors thru a Triple Head Matrox. Sound is coming from IZzy as well and going out through Focusrite Scarlet 2i2 2nd gen. I'm looking at a newer Mac Mini that looks like it could handle the 2 different output "monitors" but have know experience on making my works self-operational, so to speak. Any help would be appreciated.
Here's a document I made that outlines the process I follow (and suggest following) when setting up a fresh Apple computer for a project or production: https://docs.google.com/document/d/15erS4vJ0VIkOfA9AaCNfX9v48A3aJ15189RcTFDblhM/edit?usp=sharing
One of the handy things about Google Docs is that anyone can make a copy and use it as a checklist and/or modify the copy for their own purposes.
Note: The yellow parts are not 100% precise yet since I need to walk through them again to get the exact names of things for those.
@woland Thanks much, as usual. I so appreciate the work you put into building "background" materials that help in our processes. I'll get into the dock and back to you if I have questions. All the best!
@woland this is excellent, thankyou for putting this together - is it ok if I share it with my workshop participants (with credit if course!)
I would also add disable mac os updates - App Store > preferences > uncheck 'automaticaly check for updates'
Lol, I appreciate you asking but it’s totally unnecessary. Anything I post on the forum is for everyone to use for whatever they want.
Give ‘em this one too, it’s my list of online sources for royalty free/public domain media assets (audio, books, pictures, movies, etc.): https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/u/0/d/1vmVMn1ZhNwVGurjQLtATsAEXj55NQ8sJf3bHaSeHCV8/htmlview#gid=517311808
@videosmith said:
I would also add “disable mac os updates - App Store > preferences > uncheck 'automaticaly check for updates”
thanks, added now :)
@woland blimey that was quick! thankyou!
@woland Only one more question as of now. What about Apple's password login. Does this get around that or do I still have to have a monitor and keyboard somewhere to deal with that?
Ah nuts, did I forget to include that?
There’s a setting to make it log in automatically on boot in the same area of system setting where you either can make new users or if not it’s in the startup section near where you define which harddrive will be used for booting.
I just checked, it actually is in my list in the “Project-Specific” section
@woland Got it. Thanks.
@montana I've set up several installations from dance theater works. Here are some things I've learned:
1. Plug your system into an uninterruptible power supply. And use a wired mouse and keyboard.
2. If there are children involved, I've discovered that their one mission in life is to break things. So make sure everything physical is as bullet proof as possible; even if you think they won't be able to break it, think again!
3. Disable energy saving, except maybe for turning off the display on the main Mac.
4. Train gallery staff in basic troubleshooting of/rebooting the system, and create a "how to" document for them. It most likely will fail at some point. Can the installation be rebooted automatically when the Mac is rebooted? Or can it be rebooted from a large, easy-to-see icon on the desktop? Make sure the staff has your contact information.
John Toenjes https://sites.google.com/jtoen...
@woland WOW unbelievable , amazing work !! You've probably heard of this ,but think it would be really useful tool for you https://logseq.com/ in terms of your immense amount of knowledge.
@montana It's VERY old but I did a lot of this in my last job. I wrote about it in my blog. There might be one or two things still relevant here: https://vjskulpture.wordpress....
I haven't used that before. Maybe I'll check it out soon, thanks :)
@jtoenjes said:
use a wired mouse and keyboard.
I usually have at least two mice and keyboards because I'm paranoid
@woland Hey there. I've been setting up the mac mini for installation and all is going well except--how do I get Izzy to automatically Start Live Capture and Show Stages?
@juriaan Of course. So strange how many actors I don't know because I've simply never needed them. Thanks.
Thanks so much for this.
I am a Mac user but have to set up some Windows stand alone Laptops for an education component of an exhibition.
I don't suppose you or any other kind person has done a list like this for windows (11 in my instance)