Interesting Ipad OSC apps
Hello Gwangyu Lee is a very interesting iPad software developer. He did IDraw OSC that sends drawing data via OSC so you can wirelessly control Isadora via the Apple pencil. Some of us used another one of his great apps. Ikeleton OSC transforms the camera in iPhone and iPad in a Kinect and sends the data through OSC. He also did iControl OSC & NDI that receive NDI sources in the iPad and can send OSC. I haven't bought them yet, but I will report if someone is interested. He just released another one iDepth NDI that scan depth images with the lidar sensors on iPhones and iPads and sends it via NDI. Very smart ! and they are cheap too. From 0.99 to 7.99.
I just wanted to share.
Cheers -
Just played around with the skeleton tracking app and was delighted how quickly and easily it seems to work. Also grabbed the OSC + NDI app and will play with it once I have a chance. Cool finds. Thank you for sharing. :)
@armando I had never heard of IDraw OSC but sounds really interesting! IKeleton too...thanks for sharing!
My recommendation is a free iphone and ipad app called Data OSC that has lots of typical Gyro and tracking data - but also does really good facial tracking to OSC. I havent had a project to utilise it on yet but it's very good. Allows you to connect a gamepad and transmit OSC too, in a bit of a simpler way than TouchOSC does, etc.
Thanks again!
@skuvenI've used Data OSC. . . the facial tracking was causing it to crash a lot on my own and my students phones last semester - but just tried messing with it again before classes started last week and it seems it may be a bit more stable with whatever updates there have been in the past year.
. . . Very curious to think about how to use it's GPS data as I have never really had a wifi network large enough that I think I could get that much useful data from the resolution it offers. . . . but a neat little app!