[ANSWERED] UDP isadora v4
Hello, is it possible to send and receive UDP messages from Isadora v4? Thanks.
Yes, using the new Pythoner actor you can send and receive any form of UDP you like.
Thanks for the information!!
hello, can you explain a little more about this, please. do we have to learn phyton to send udp from isadora 4?
@deflost said:
do we have to learn phyton to send udp from isadora 4
No Isadora offers some ready to use UDP actors such as the Open Sound Control actors (OSC is a UDP based protocol).
The new Pythoner actor will allow you to send UDP messages in what ever format you like. This provides maximum interoperability, allowing Isadora to communicate with any UDP client.
I am happy to help any of you get started with UDP in Pythoner, as I am developing a number of example files currently.
@dusx thank you.