3D/VR video on 3 walls
I have a 3D video that I'm trying to map onto 3 walls of a large square room (3 40 feet x 9 feet walls). So when I do this the front wall looks good, but the side walls are horizontally stretched. Adjusting the FOV of the player to make it a lot wider helps, but then it no longer appears that you're in the video, you're too far back. So my thought is that maybe I have to unwrap this video using ffmpeg, which will probably work but maybe not feel like there's the same depth?
So I'm wondering if in Isadora what the best way to approach this is. For the record my stage is 7 projectors (3 on the front wall, 2 on the sides).
Usually I unwrap 3D videos but I only recently discovered Isadora could play 3D movies directly and was pretty excited by that, particular because now I can play regular 3D movies without modification. Except, of course, for this stretching on the side walls.
@reload2024 there are different ways of unwrapping the equirectangular video used for 360. I think the way you are working now uses a spherical projection. For your use case a cube map sounds more appropriate.
I think you can use ffmpeg to process the video to a cube map https://jiras.se/ffmpeg/mono.html
this should fix the distortion you see when you project into the square room.