DMX doesn't work every time
I finally have a DMX setup that works most of the time, but I continue to have some problems with consistency.e.g last time I was playing, I had 3 scenes where I was only controlling the lighting and was supposed to have it changing live with the music. I tested the setup twice before we played and when were then live, nothing worked. I couldn't turn off the lights, I could see the actors moving but nothing happened to the light, when I tried to make a black out, the lights all turned into orange. I have another show on Wednesday and I would like to have it working by then. Another problem was that even though I had initialized all lights to be off they were on. All help is very welcome:) Also, this time the Pythoner actor didn't activate. How can I make sure this happens?
All the bestÂEva
I am on a Mac Studio btw. and after this incident the light worked fine but I have troubles as soon as I make some more complex setups with that.
Light problems Kandidatkoncert
Here is the file:)