[ANSWERED] Export Cue List or Scene List?
Is there a way to export a list of all the scenes or cues in an Isadora project? To a text file or to .csv?
I just want a list of the names of all the scenes (in order!) to save me the effort of manually entering them into a spreadsheet.
My aim is to create a record of what happens in each scene.
Mark (not that Mark, who almost certainly knows how to do this!) -
There isn't any out-of-the-box method for this, but you could use 'Get Scene Name' and 'Data Array' to write out all the names of scenes to a CSV files via an 'Counter'.
Once you built this process into an User Actor it would be easy to use for any project. -
@dusx said:
Get Scene Name
Yes, for any not familiar with this fun little trick, setting a Get Scene Name actor to:
'scene' = '0'
'mode' = 'absolute'
spits out a line-break separated list of all Scene Names:Fun Fact: This function is the basis of my "Total Number of Scenes" User Actor: https://troikatronix.com/add-ons/total-number-of-scenes/
Thank you!
That is the trick of tricks and was just what I wanted!