[ANSWERED] Countdown timer confusion
Hi all
Happy New Year.
I am currently trying to utilise Michel Weber's most excellent time actor. I have downloaded this from the Add-ons page. I cannot seem to make it work for my purposes.I have a feeling that I am doing something wrong yet I cannot see it.
I am looking to use the timer countdown to send a separate signal to a presenter that their time is up or to show them how much they have left. I am intending to send an NDI of their powerpoint and then overlay the time clock etc.
When I enter the time in seconds on the left, the resulting time is skewey and makes no sense to any reference I can see. Regardless of the time I insert, the resulting display makes little sense.
I am uploading a screen capture of my actions so people can hopefully see where I am going wrong.Any advice appreciated.
The screen image is hidden secure in google docs.
In the immortal words of Homer, "Doh!"
Sorry about that.
Here is Ver 2 of the link with access rights for anyone.
I have updated the original post too.
Thank you L.
This should do what you want I think: actors-user-countdown-hms-2025-01-08-4.0.8.izz
Thank you very much. This is fantastic. I was not expecting someone to gift me a complete file with a working timer. I just could not figure what I was doing wrong here.
Very much appreciated and thank you again.eamon
@eamon said:
I was not expecting someone to gift me a complete file with a working timer. I just could not figure what I was doing wrong here.
It was faster for me to make it than to try to re-familiarize myself with how all of the guts of Michel's (fantastic) User Actor worked. Plus now I have a countdown User Actor. :)
@Michel Perhaps you know if this behaves as expected? If not, I would like to determine what has changed.
Some of us work on different planes...!
Your quick whip up is testimony to your skills in this arena. I have no knowledge of javascript and the layout inside the actor would be greater than what I could have achieved or even in my thought process.
A countdown actor for all. I have been playing with the time code comparotor and colour actors to flash red etc at certain timings. It is working out excellent so far. Far greater than I could have managed.
Thanks again. It is still very much appreciated.