[ANSWERED] Urgent Help needed Can't add more than 290 scenes
Re: [ERROR AL USAR 290 ESCENAS](/topic/5339/error-al-usar-290-escenas) Hello any update on this I have a show tomorrow and unable to add more than 290 scenes Urgent Help needed
If there is a slightly longer pause in your show, you could open a second (third, fourth...) Isadora patch to continue. Isadora lacks an actor to open another document. I made a user actor with Vuo some time ago for this purpose, but you would need a licence for Vuo to use it. But as I said, with a little break, you could open another file manually.
Best regards,
actually, there is an Open Isadora File actor, but I think it is only available in more recent versions of Isadora. -
This is a known issue that has not yet been fixed because there were more frequently occurring issues, (this cosmetic issue only comes into play when people have projects with hundreds of Scenes, which is not super common), and because there is a workaround for this.
To understand the workaround, you need to understand the root of the issue: The Scene list has a max horizontal pixel limit, so when you create enough Scenes you go over this limit and the additional Scenes past this limit in the Scene List no longer visually show up in the Scene List (though they do still exist and function properly otherwise).
Workaround: If you hold down cmd (macOS)/control (Windows) then click and drag the right edge of a Scene in the Scene List (the little horizontal bar of “tombstones” below the Scene Editor with the Scene Names), you can resize the Scenes to make them less wide. For every Scene you make thinner, you make the sum total of the horizontal size of your Scenes a bit smaller, meaning you free up additional pixels to show additional Scenes in the Scene List.
Here's a gif of that in action: https://jmp.sh/wHggJeLk
Depending on your project:
- You may just be able to eliminate blank space on either side of some of your Scene Names
- In more extreme cases you may need to try to make your Scene Names as short as possible to minimize Scene width while still being able to read the Scene Names to tell the Scenes apart
- In the most extreme cases (and/or cases where you don’t care about being able to read the Scene Names in the Scene List) you can make the Scenes the minimum width (which will result in not being able to read the Scene Names) but in these cases you can still use the Scene Select control to see the Scene Names of previous, current, and upcoming Scenes as well as to navigate the Scene List.
Great info thanks once again
I’m editing scene title names working a treat
Is my 400 scenes to many ?
I used to do our shows as 1st & second half.
and change shows in interval problem was some theatre you cant close curtains so you are changing scene to audience who may still be in theatre ( not a good look )We have three beamers in our show to create effect which we loose changing projects half way
Hence trying this way.
Personally, I'd always go the route of shortening my Scene Names and squishing my Scenes thinner rather than splitting the show between separate files.