[LOGGED] Ability to change scene selector colour
The little scene name buttons at the bottom of the page are all grey, and turn blue when active, pale blue when active in the background and red when using blind mode. But would it be useful to be able to change the default state colour independently? kind of like the new coloured actor titles, you could create groups of scenes just by changing the button colour. I guess the palette might need to be restricted so it doesn't interfere with the functional colour changes, but a right click - simple palette selector (a bit like the slots in Ableton) might be useful. Even a choice of 4 different greys would be nice. What do you think?
@dbini I think it's a very useful suggestion.
I asked for a similar feature a while back: https://community.troikatronix.com/topic/7856/logged-colour-coding-scenes?_=1741784841939 I would find it extremely useful to be able to colour code Scenes in the Scene List, enabling a group of Scenes to be more easily identifiable from a different group of Scenes. Definitely a +1 from me!
Best wishes! Simon
@paz I agree - I have requested this too.
@dbini said:
The little scene name buttons at the bottom of the page are all grey, and turn blue when active, pale blue when active in the background and red when using blind mode. But would it be useful to be able to change the default state colour independently? kind of like the new coloured actor titles, you could create groups of scenes just by changing the button colour. I guess the palette might need to be restricted so it doesn't interfere with the functional colour changes, but a right click - simple palette selector (a bit like the slots in Ableton) might be useful. Even a choice of 4 different greys would be nice. What do you think?
I'll add this to the existing feature request.