Matrox TripleHead and Mac mini issue
Hello everyone! We're in an emergency situation...
While testing for an installation, we encountered the following problem: the Mac mini M4 Sequoia with 16GB of RAM doesn't recognize Matrox TripleHeadToGo DP. The Display Manager recognizes it, but it doesn't output an image.
Then we tried with a Matrox TripleHeadToGo SE, and it does output an image, but with a glitch, very distorted 3040x768.
I searched for some info on the forums, and it seems to be an issue with one or two Mac operating systems at the moment. According to Matrox, it outputs the full resolution at 50Hz, but Mac doesn't allow you to change it.
Has anyone experienced this situation? Or found a workable solution?Thanks for everything!
Maxi -
I haven't experienced this, sorry.
Perhaps a display management utility might help you get the compatible settings. (not the tool I was looking for... another has X in the name I believe and has been posted about in the forum in the past) -
Dear @dusx thanks for you fast response...
We've already tried SwitchResX and betterDisplay without positive results... We think it's an OS and Hz compatibility issue. Does any of this sound possible to you?
Now we're going to try it with an M4 MacBook Pro to dismiss out options
Thanks a lot !
Updating the info... I'm now testing the M4 MacBook Pro, and it behaves exactly the same. The DP doesn't display any images, and the SE has a glitch. And you can't change the Hz on either.
Thanks !