Light painting actor
I'd like to know if it exists some "light painting" actor ?I would see something like that : it takes a video in input and for each image, it takes the highest value of each pixel between the last result image and the current image and display the new result. If the input is a black video with only one white point moving, the result should be a draw of the white point path.I don't know if my explanation is very clear...Did someone managed to do something like that ?Best regards,Jeremie -
Hmmm maybe look at the luminance actor and freeze, video buffer or motion blur actor... i'm sure you can grab each brightest bit of a picture and build up a montage type effect...
Try this patch.Best
20b8ce-lightpainting.izz -
Exactly what I was looking for, thanks !
The patch works great. Is there an actor that can be added to make the light dissipate after a specified amount of time? -
thanks! They both are awesome but not exactly what I was looking for.I'd like the trail of light to continuously disappear so it looks almost like a snake emerging from the light source's movement instead of periodically resetting.Does that make sense?Cheers,Alex -
Ok, here is a version that fades the light trail. And see also the other POST for a fading light trail version.
9ebc66-lightpaintingtrail.izz -
Have a look.....
[]( (e-motion+leapmotion) hand drawing of text plus particle systems..... -
that looks great!
@ Michel
I did downloed your actor and It works great for what I was looking for.
Thank youalx
Here's a little experimentation video I made with your actor. ThanksAlex -