Tiny, Wireless Computer with OSC - Nice!
Dear All,
Figured this would be of interest to many here.From the company's website:_x-OSC is a wireless I/O board that provides just about any software with access to 32 high-performance analogue/digital channels via OSC messages over WiFi. There is no user programmable firmware and no software or drivers to install making x-OSC immediately compatible with any WiFi-enabled platform. All internal settings can be adjusted using any web browser._It has both onboard accelerometers _and_Â gyroscopes. Pretty cool.http://www.x-io.co.uk/products/x-osc/Best Wishes,Mark -
Very cool. OSC and WIFI win win.
Thank you. Just emailed them if I can get OSC messages from 10 IR sensors to Isadora. That would be perfect for my next installation.