just to add.. I have had great success with products from DMXking.
and the new micro, is Enttec pro compatible, and a great price point.http://dmxking.com/usbdmx/ultradmxmicro -
@ gapworks
Your ENTTEC patch seems very interesting !
I've never totally understood how to make ENTTEC work well with Isadora.
Could I have a look when it's done ?Best
Philippe -
@ fifou of course! it will still take some time to finish it but hen i put it online for download!
For those a little wild at heart a DIY solution for DMX
http://stevenbreuls.com/2013/05/diy-usb-dmx-dongle-interface-for-under-10/ -
btw - i'm selling a Lanbox LCE - the old one that doesn't have USB connection. you connect via RJ45 and i've run DMX directly out of Isadora through it with no problems. no box, but in VGC, with cable and original power supply. 80GBP (plus postage) - PM me if anyone's interested.
dear @gapworks ,
could you post your patch for usb-dmx pro? i Already have someting in max msp but i would prefer to use just isadora 3 for this project,
is it compatible with the new version? bests
@michel thanks !
@Michel though patch is not working with isa 3...
bugs of display ( freezes) and fader don't follow mouse...
@Michel it seems the problem comes from the matrix actor cos it 's a @mark based patch, using https://community.troikatronix...
@dbini experienced the same pb with this subpatch, i submitted a ticket ;-) thanks a lot for your reply
I don't have the hardware to test, but I have posted a couple simple enttec compatible user actors to the Plugins page to help users get started with DMX input and output.
Just check the plugin page for any items with 'dmx' in the name.