[ANSWERED] Live drawing and shapes coordinates
Re: [Live drawing cordinates](/topic/5181/live-drawing-cordinates)
the problem remains in Live drawing and is also in shapes actor:
the vertical coordinate is based on a % of the width so that it is impossible to get the draw to the position of the mouse or for the shapes actor to get a shape corresponding to mouse position value. There is a workaround (see old post on the top) in changing MIN and MAX value but it make it impossible to have a project working for different resolution because you have every time to find out the new values.
Is another solution to work with? Stage mouse watcher and Shapes or Live drawing together are making me crazy
best, Jean-François
@jfg said:
There is a workaround (see old post on the top) in changing MIN and MAX value but it make it impossible to have a project working for different resolution because you have every time to find out the new values.
With Shapes I don't have any problems after I just invert min and max of the Stage Mouse Watcher's vert. pos output.
With the Live Drawing actor it doesn't make it impossible, there's an equation for finding the right min and max for your Live Drawing vert pos based on the resolution you're working with. I automated the calculation with a User Actor, but be aware that it will only work if your display is set up in landscape layout. (Unfortunately, it's a slightly different equation if you're working in a non-standard setup like using portrait mode or have a display that's taller than it is wide, but I'm working on a User Actor that can switch between the two.)
Best wishes,
Dear Lucas,
Thanks a lot. in between I came by myself to the same calculation and result. But why doesn't use all the actors the same coordinate system?
again thank you very much for your help.
best, Jean-François
@jfg I have wanting a unified coordinate system for so long for Isadora.
@fred said:
unified coordinate system
We've been discussing this internally, we're just deciding on the best way to do it because we don't want to break old patches that are built for the old coordinate system.
@jfg said:
But why doesn't use all the actors the same coordinate system?
Because Isadora's been around for 20 years, and there has been an evolution in thinking about this as time passed.
1) In the early days, all video were bitmaps, with the vertical coordinate getting more positive as you move down. Because of this, all the actors in Isadora v1 used this direction, including the mouse watcher, etc.
2) Then came the 3D actors. In the 3D world, the vertical coordinate always gets more positive as you move up. So those actors used that convention.
3) But then, more video actors came and I adopted the 3D convention for those.
The big problem: there is no good way to update those old actors to the "Up Is Positive Y" system without breaking old patches... so the early ones use #1 and the later ones #2.
Yes, it needs to be fixed. We've had discussions about how to do this internally as @Woland said. But it is something that needs to be done right so that people don't end up with old patches that don't work.
Best Wishes,
Mark -
You probalbly already discussed it, but just to be sure;
how about an option like the one for vertical or horizontal value sliders? Give the actors a default, like they had before, but the option to invert it.
Same for the value scale itself, give it an option to switch between percentage and total value.
Best, Dill -
@dillthekraut said:
how about an option like the one for vertical or horizontal value sliders? Give the actors a default, like they had before, but the option to invert it.
Yes, that is one of the possibilities on the table. I just hate to clutter up small actors like the Mouse Watcher with an extra input that, eventually no one will use. It is possible, however, to make it hidden by default and to display it when opening old patches. That's probably how we would do it. The other way would be turn the old "Y is Down" actors into Classic (hidden) actors and to make a new actor that follows the "Y is Up" convention.
Some kind of action on this will be taken before the next release of Isadora.
Best Wishes,
Mark -
I see and understand what you say here, but my thought was even a step further. But I have to admit wasn't thought completely to the end.
I just had the fantasy of having this option on all actors and there values, where it would maybe make sense. Something like the changing possibility between % and TC for the movie player. I'm aware about the value scale actor, but I have the feeling, that it would be some different.
Maybe one could have the option to choose the coordinate system. This would allow progress and still support old pages...?