[ANSWERED] Surround parameters
I have cartesian surround data coming in as 2 audio channels: x+ to x- and y+ to y- (amplitude -1 to +1).
How can I make 4 single values, one for each "corner", that increase as the movement is closer. Some kind of averaging I imagine.
Thanks for any advice
@fubbi JavaScript? Work out the distance of your sound source from each of the points. Animate/move your source as you wish and have the JavaScript actor output 4 values, 1- normalised distance from each point. The close your source is to any speaker the higher the volume.
Actual surround panning does a lot more work than this but I have used this method in other contexts and it works well enough.
@fred thanks. The surround data I got from the modular synth system was so all over the place that I could probably have randomised it anyway. But it was fun!