[ANSWERED] Jump++ actor only fading when triggered manually or with some delay.
Hi there,
I'm running v.3.2.5. on windows 10.
The jump++ actor works fine when clicking directly on the actor's trigger, but if I set a Control-ID to the trigger and click on the corresponding control, it jumps without fading. The same happens if I trigger it from a different actor. When I trigger the actor (e.g. "Trigger value" actor sending a 1 or "trigger delay" actor with zero delay) manually, the jump++ will run the fade, but when triggered from a control button it just jumps.
The work around is using a "trigger delay" with a short delay (e.g. 0.1s), to trigger the "jump++" actor.
I guess this can be fixed in the next little update.
@gaspar said:
if I set a Control-ID to the trigger and click on the corresponding control, it jumps without fading.
Make sure to go into the Control Editor for the Button Control and check the box for "Don't Send Off", otherwise you are triggering the Jump++ actor twice every time you press the Button Control.
@Woland is absolutely right about the issue with the button. You can do the same by manually clicking the trigger input twice on the Jump++ actor (this is a sort of hidden feature).
A MulitBolcker actor is another easy way to solve this double-click issue (however setting the buttons up correctly is preferred).