Skeleton Tracking with Fred's Skeleton Server
Hey i will dig up a patch and test it this evening. I found this fast has a skeleton breakout inside.Also as nimate started to charge I thought it would be good to upgrade this project- more efficient and support for other non kinect devices, it is happening slowly but I have a bunch of shows running at the moment, Ill update it soon. So feature requests are also welcome within my ability.Fred -
Hi Fred,
Thanks for your response. I'll check out that patch and let you know whether I have any more success.Best,Matthew -
Hi Fred,
The breakout works great.Thanks,Matthew -
To follow up on my earlier question: It seems like there is hand tracking independent of the skeleton tracking. Is there a way to get those coordinates out of the openNI app via OSC?Thanks,Matthew -
I never implemented it because at the time the hand tracking was pretty un reliable. It is useful but only for cases where no ID is needed. It would give you hand coordinates but not what order the hands appeared or if they belonged to the same person or if they were left or right.
I believe the hand tracking is better and there are a lot of new functions in the newer binaries. You inspired me to take a ook at some of the new libraries yesterday and there are many new features (no pose skeleton tracking is one big one for me). The problem is I need to completely restructure my code and I cannot keep much of it (it was not so great anyway so it is not a huge loss). It will however take some time. If your project needs hand tracking fast I might be able to rig a little hack for you to use from the older library.CheersFred -
Is it normal for Isadora to say 'error opening socket on specified port. Please choose a different port' every time I open this?
Actually ignore that I think it was coming from the Synpase plug-in. I've always had an issue with that plug-in
If you could add the hand tracking via OSC easily, that would be amazing. I don't need to know R vs L or IDs for this particular project.
Thanks,Matthew -
@fred said:
Hello fred, did you figure out how to use Skeleton tracking using the KinectV2 app? thanks
@axelacs I made tihs a long time ago and have not updated it.
@axelacs said:
Skeleton tracking using the KinectV2 app?
Since this post was originally made back in 2012, we've added an OpenNI Tracker actor to the program that supports use with the Kinectv2. You can download it here:
There's also a tutorial file for it here:
If you want, you could also watch the 90+ minute livestreamed Guru Session that @mark did on this topic: Link
@DusX Want to link your Kinect2Share in case it might be useful?
Best wishes,
@woland said:
@DusX Want to link your Kinect2Share in case it might be useful?
Sure, Kinect2share runs on Windows, but can share the Kinect video via NDI and Skeleton tracking via OSC, so it is perfect for a 2 computer setup between two PCs, or a PC and a Mac.