[ANSWERED] Live feed solution
Hi Everyone,
I need to get a live feed (we have a Sony A7 III which could be used) from outside the venue across a road into Izzy. I can't run a cable because of the road and it needs to be as low latency as possible.Has anyone had any success with wireless HDMI transmitters/receivers?
Or do I stream via 5G?
Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated.
Many thanksSimon
@simon Hello!
I use this product from Hollyland, always reliable: https://cvp.com/product/hollyland-mars-400s-pro-ii-9802f-2?gad_source=1&gclid=CjwKCAiA6KWvBhAREiwAFPZM7r2q2i25NZiIJ3CiyM2_7Ksra6uYDpm9-ryRsFWlh9yRxO771RD-ihoCOnwQAvD_BwE
Also from Atomos: https://www.atomos.com/ndi/
Best wishes
I think the Teradek solutions have lower latency and are also extremely reliable.
An important part of the equation is the latency of the signal coming out of the Camera. It doesn't matter how good the transmission solution is if the camera itself is slow. I used the 4K version of this and dumbed it down to HD: Blackmagic Pocket Cinema Camera.
I tested with my Sony A7R3 and it was too slow. I'm sure they have improved since then, though!
I would advice Teradek too.
How far is it ? Do you have a clear line of sight ?
Latency with Teradek units is really short ( might be less than one frame )
Thanks Everyone, I'm going to test a Teradek next week.