Does the Kinect 2 now work on Mac?
HI All,
I am trying to use a V2 Kinect with Mac and Isadora version 4. It seems to be picking up the Kinect as a camera, but it shows up as black.
Any suggestions?
Have tried the camera on a windows PC and its working ok so Im assuming this is a mac - issue
Just wondering if I need to purchase the Version 1 Kinect to use with Mac
Many thanks in advance !
please let us know more about your system - its a good idea to list your hardware in your signature.
Are you using the Kinect V2 with the OpenNI Tracker plugin? (TROIKATRONIX : ISADORA - OpenNI Tracker)
If you are wanting to use it for body tracking, it should work with this plugin if you follow the instructions (require running in Rosetta mode on non-Intel macs)