[ANSWERED] Old version, old mac
Hello I would like to get a new version off izz; I have usb version 2
My mac is working with 11.7.10
Mac pro rétina 2013
Proces 2,3 Ghz intel core i7 4
16 GO 1600 Mhz DDR3
intel iris pro 1536 Mo
What can i get with all that ?
I had just upgraded to izz 3.0.2 (Usb Key), my usb key is not recognize (no red light) and i can't use it, I would like to find the way to register and pay the price for this upgrade to using it ...
Is it possible ?
Best regards
Welcome back to the Isadora community! <3
As I wrote in response to your other comment, I'd suggest you open a support ticket: https://support.troikatronix.com/support/tickets/new
You may find these resources helpful as wll:
- Isadora 3 System Requirements (your computer does meet these requirements)
- Isadora 4 System Requirements (your computer does meet these requirements)
- Our article explains how to have multiple versions of Isadora installed on your computer (in case that's something you need).
- If needed you can download older versions from our Legacy Downloads Page for Isadora.
- Since you've been away from Isadora for a while, you may want to consult:
- Our article outlining how Isadora's Stage Setup has changed since Isadora 2
- Our "Isadora 101" Youtube Playlist (which was made for Isadora 3, but which is still an excellent resource)
- The Isadora 4 Manual
Best wishes,
Thanks Woland, I get Izz3.0.8, but how can i register my usb key for Izz 3 ?
best regards
Hi there Bruno,
Again please reach out to us by creating a new support ticket for this type of matters, so that our licensing team can assist.