A way to automatically kill the "unexpected crash" dialog ?
Is there a way to ensure that the "Isadora experienced and unexpected crash" dialog does not appear - or automatically goes away after being triggered?
Context: I have a 24/7 installation up right now that I have been able to ensure will reload after a crash - however I do not know how to keep this error from remaining up on the screen without physical intervention (someone pressing the button the clears the message.)Thank you for any guidance.-Alex -
Are you on windows or mac? Sounds like OSX.
For osx try this in Terminal: defaults write com.apple.CrashReporter DialogType noneFor Windows you can turn it off in the Action Center settings.The search bar in your browser is great for this kind of stuff ;-) -
Mac as you guessed. Sorry to not indicate.
Thanks.-A -
I was wondering if you can stop this coming up also:
The above should sort that out no? You might need to reboot or at least logout?
Just accidentally discovered there is an application, in Mavericks at least, called CrashReporterPrefs.
If you put the setting on 'Server' it should avoid going into Terminal. -
This is great! Thank you for the tip!
I have it set to ”Server” from the start. The message pops up some times still. BTW OS X 10.6.8
I think that maybe I only have the CrashReporterPrefs app because I have Xcode installed.
As for it not always working, well thats annoying. -
For those not on Mavericks, am attaching a screengrab of the options window you get from CrashReporterPrefs