Basic Physics Engine - Stage Edge Collision, with rebound / Gravity and Friction
The video in this is amazing! -
Hmm.. I need a connect.
too late for the indiegogo campaign
yep, it finished a few days ago.
@DusX if you weren't in Canada I'd send you over one of mine...!
Where are you @Marci ?
Near Leeds, UK. @skulpture - I tried that Processing sketch this evening. Sadly many outdated modules and deprecated functions so a bit of rewriting to get it running with the modern replacements - not quite there yet. I want to use it to get the polygon vectors for the kinect's silhouette - that could then be handed to Izzy's JS actor via OSC, and give us the missing complex polygon mapped to Kinect user outline.
Ah that's a shame. I was working my way through it too. Got the first example working. Basic rgb/ir one.
@skulpure With nimate can you get a set of xy points for body parts and joints?
Yep. xyz for head, neck, l-shoulder, r-shoulder, l-elbow, r-elbow, l-hand, r-hand, torso, l-hip, r-hip, l-knee, r-knee, l-foot, r-foot. That's the 'basic' skeleton from NIMate1. NIMate2 adds in finger joints and a few other bits n' bobs.
Thats great, thanx.
Here you go... as you can see, typical stick figure configuration & semi-typical usage. Zip file contains patch, user actor from elsewhere on the forums, & .3ds objects for the 3D dummy.
@skulpture - after spending 2 nights trying to get the processing sketches going with naff all success other than the first step, I finally stumbled across a forum post by the author of the article, which eventually led me to this:
Updated for Processing 2.11 - Just tested it, and works perfectly once you've got the necessary libraries in place:- blobDetection
- box2d_processing
- SimpleOpenNI
- toxiclibscore*
- toxiclibs_p5*
- verletphysics*
- volumeutils*
- colorutils*
- audioutils*
* - part of ToxicLibs020 which you'll have to download from, and shunt the folders above from within the download into the libraries folder in Documents/Processing (if you're using everything from default locations).IMPORTANT: You MUST be using Processing 2.x, not 3.x!! -
PS: If you haven't discovered KVL_Kinect_tracker_v20 it's worth a look. Allows you to subtract layers from the Kinect Depth Image, and output the resultant blobs for the target depth (i.e.: that where the body is) via OSC.
I've tried it but it appears flakey on my MBP... locks up after 30 seconds or so - I suspect this is due to USB3 and the app not being updated to limit the bandwidth to USB2, so if you've got a _non-USB3_ MBPro, this _should_ work to get a body outline into Izzy that can drive a pile of shapes actors or similar. (I'll remember to bring my 2011 MBPro home from work at some point to test this theory). -
KVL! OMG! Love it.
@Skulpture - Kinect Interactive Curtain in Processing 2, with Syphon Output & adjustable Depth Threshold (see next post) -
oops - missed tilt/down out
@marci this is amazing!
I got this working! Very cool.
Syphon wouldn't work though - got some errors I did understand.