Sending video from isadora to Intensity Shuttle USB 3 video output ???
I just bought a Blackmagic Intensity Shuttle USB3 card.
Capture is working fine with Isadora 2.1 (on a Macmini late 2014 with OS 10.10.1)
With the software given with the card (Blackmagic media express) and with Quicktime I can send what is captured in input to the video output of the card but my question is :Is it possible to send video from isadora to the video output of this Intensity Shuttle card ???
Thanks for your answers !
Yes it is possible I have had it working before.
I have nothing connected with now but its under the Output tab and then see the image below, with a BM device connected it will not be greyed out like mine is.You can change the stage in preferences.  -
Ok ! Thank you !!!
You are welcome.