Isadora Native v002 Rutt-Etra Effect
Dear Community,
So I have a native Isadora plugin that implement’s the awesome, open-source v002 Rutt-Etra plugin by Vade; it works on both Mac and Windows. I want to get this into your hands, but first I am asking you all to make a small financial commitment.
Bill Etra passed away last year. But Vade sends all donations he receives via the v002 Rutt Etra web page to Jim’s partner Roz. She lives on fixed income and has no surviving family to help her, so every donation made via Vade's page makes a big difference in someone’s life. (You can read more about Bill & Roz at Vade's page:
TroikaTronix is already going to make a generous donation. But I would like to see the community do a bit more. So, by upvoting this post, you are indicating your commitment to donate at least 10 $/€/£ to Roz via Vade’s webpage. When the upvote count gets to 25, I’ll release the plugin for all Isadora users to have, and put the source code online. We’ll send a reminder to all who upvoted once that happens.
I hope that you find this little challenge worthwhile, and will see fit to donate to someone who could really use the help.
Best Wishes,
Mark -
I don't know how to upvote, but I would like to upvote this.
Click the up pointing arrow to the left of the number in my post, i.e., to the left of the number 6 as shown here.
i've upvoted, but I need few days to donate, sorry
10 upvotes to go and it will be yours! Keep 'em coming. ;-)
Has this been posted to FB or Twitter?
compassion is golden - practice random acts of kindness
Did it!
I'm looking forward to tinkering with the Rutt-Etra plug-in. This will be my first plug-in for Izzy!
I have been testing this plugin, and its great!!!
Really VERY cool.
Creates some beautiful effects. -
Geez folks... $10 or 10euros... cheap! Good cause, good effect. What's the old phrase, move your hips and your mind will follow? Send some money to vade...
I love that effect, had the opportunity to play with it. So community donate instead of a coffee and cake at Starbucks you get a unique piece of Software and help others
just wish i could donate more. can't wait to play with the plugin.
I'm surprised that there's only 18 upvotes so far. I think Mark's idea is brilliant!
Come on people! go for it!
only 5 left
@crystalhorizon Noch vier!
Two more!
I'm glad to be part of this. Saludos!!
tears of anticipation