Welcome to the new TroikaTronix Forum
I know many of you have wished for this for a long time, and finally its here: the new TroikaTronix forum.
Many of the features you've asked for are there: RSS feeds, type tags, voting, better organization and more. And since it's WordPress based, it is easy to add new features as they become needed. I hope you'll all be pleased with the new system.But you are also welcome to offer new ideas and critiques – this forum will be evolving over the next few months as we find out what missing and what might be trimmed away.Also take note of the new category structure and make good (and judicious) use of the type tags. That's how you – and other users – will find the information they're seeking quickly and efficiently.In the list of categories, you will find additions that are purely artistic in nature, e.g., the new "Artistic Practice" category. This is to allow us to spend time talking about the art were creating, not just how to we get things done inside Isadora.I want to make a special mention here of two people who were critical to getting this forum off the ground.First is my assistant Xenia Leydel who organized everything and helped me formulate the new web site in conjunction with our web design firm [Apfel Zet](http://www.apfelzet.de/) here in Berlin. Second is Michel Weber, whom you all know as one the moderators of the forum along with VJ Skulpture. Michel consulted with myself, my Xenia, and the web designer. He helped us understand how to set up this forum in a way would best support your needs. So I take my hat off to both Xenia and Michel for the help they provided.So... for the moment we're in the "sign-up" phase. (Not to say you can't post here... please feel free. But know that my and the moderators attention is still focused on the old forum until next week.) But next week we'll get started with this new phase in ernest.Thanks as always for your support, patience and creativity.With Warmest Wishes,Mark ConiglioCreator of Isadora -
Is anyone else experiencing a weird 'doubling up' effect with our new forum? It's actually just happened when writing this post. I think it has something to do with the auto save draft feature; here is a screen shot.
no problem on my side.